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What is required for a B-2 Visa (Visitor Visa)?

A B-2 Visa is needed to visit the United States for tourism, medical treatment, or other personal reasons. Applying for a B-2 Visa requires meeting the following requirements:

·      You must show that your trip to the U.S. is temporary.

·      You must establish that you have a residence outside the U.S. that you do not intend to abandon.

·      You must establish that you intend to leave the U.S. at the end of your trip.

·      You must show you have adequate financial arrangements to travel to the U.S., pay for your necessities while you are in the U.S., and to depart the U.S.

·      You must show that you intend to engage in legitimate activities relating to pleasure.


You cannot work while traveling to the U.S. on a B-2 Visa!!!!


To start the process of applying for a B-2 Visa, you will need to fill out the online nonimmigrant visa application form (DS-160) and schedule an appointment at the US embassy. During your appointment, you will need to provide supporting documents that prove your eligibility for the visa. These documents must show your intent to leave the U.S. and they may include proof of your financial situation, your ties to your home country, and your travel itinerary.


It is important to note that you are not guaranteed a B-2 Visa and a successful B-2 Visa application does not guarantee that you will be granted entry into the United States. The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer at the port of entry will have the final say on whether you are allowed to enter the country. Therefore, it is important to present yourself as a genuine tourist with a clear purpose for your visit, and to always answer questions truthfully and accurately.


Overall, getting a B-2 Visa requires careful planning, preparation, and attention to detail. By following the application guidelines and presenting a clear case for your visit to the US, you can increase your chances of obtaining this important visa and enjoying a safe and memorable trip to the United States.


While it is not always necessary, you should consult with an attorney before applying for a Visa especially if you are concerned about satisfying the requirements, you were once deported, or you were previously denied a non-immigrant visa.


For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 876.487.9603 or 347.425.9019.

Michelle Robinson